B.A., Brandeis University
M.T.S., University of Notre Dame
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
Dr. Koroma began teaching at Carson-Newman in 2022. She teaches Introduction to Old Testament, Hebrew, and various biblical studies electives. She has written on the golden calf narrative at the end of Exodus and the way the different parts of this section work together to form a unified picture of how reconciliation with God is possible after serious sin. She has also written an introduction to the Old Testament, which is used in her classes. Dr. Koroma lives in Talbott, TN with her husband and children.
Selected Publications:
“Intercession and Reconciliation: A Canonical Reading of Exodus 32–34.” April 2021 (dissertation)
“Imprecatory Psalms as Prophecy: How John Chrysostom’s Commentary on the Psalms addresses the Moral Problem of Anger,” Journal of Early Christian Studies, 31.1 (Spring 2023)
Human History and Divine Love: An Introduction to the Old Testament Fall 2024