C-N names Jefferson and Hamblen County Schools “Community Partners of the Year”

Both Hamblen and Jefferson County Schools were named Community Partners of the Year by Carson-Newman University. The announcement came as part of C-N’s Twin Pillars Awards for Academic Excellence and Community Service. The awards are sponsored by the University’s Center for Community Engagement.
Dr. Kim Hawkins, dean for Carson-Newman’s School of Education and Counseling, nominated the school systems.

“Both groups work hand-in-hand with us as we educate, prepare, and place our pre-service teachers in positions that will affirm and strengthen their life choice of becoming a teacher,” Hawkins said. “Not only do these counties work with us on a daily basis to place and supervise our pre-service students, we depend on them to step up and volunteer as guest speakers, guest interviewers, and sounding boards as we strive to provide the best educational experiences for our students.”
Earning Student Awards for Excellence in Academics and Community Service were:
Rachel Day
Lola Davis
Sean Norris
Ana Moreno
Lily Calhoun
Madison Burnette
Dr. Amber Roth, C-N associate professor of Family and Consumer Sciences, was presented the “Excellence in Service Learning Instruction” award for work with integrating service learning into student projects, underscoring an awareness among students of the importance of serving others.